Sunday, September 26, 2010

The 54th Anniversary of Our Lady of America ! Is This the Year of Fulfillment?

This statue of Our Lady of Lourdes stands in the Our Lady Mother of Mercy Chapel in Rome City, IN. In this photo, taken February 23, 2006 during a private Holy Hour, there is a noticeable cloudy shroud to the statue's right.Is this the actual spot where Our Lady of America first presented herself to Sr. Mildred Ephrem Neuzil on September 26, 1956?

It was 54 years ago today that Our Lady appeared to Sr. Mildred as Our Lady of America for the first time, in the Our Lady Mother of Mercy Chapel at Sylvan Springs in Rome City, Indiana.  Although it was the first appearance as Our Lady of America, it was the second time that Our Lady appeared to Sr. Mildred....just one evening before, Sr. Mildred saw Our Lady in the same chapel, but on the initial appearance, she came as Our Lady of Lourdes.This was the first of many times that Sr. would see Our Lady of America in Rome City. One of the most significant appearances would take place in a few short months. Our Lady of America would appear holding a model of the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C. Our Lady held a competed model although it was not yet finished in 1956. She told Sr. Mildred that she desired that a statue of her likeness as Our Lady of America be enthroned by the Bishops of the United States in the Basilica under the title Our Lady of America the Immaculate Virgin. She also promised if her requests (including that the people of the U.S. return to purity) were heeded there would be "more miracles than at Fatima and Lourdes combined".

We were blessed to be present in Rome City last year during the 53rd Anniversary of Our Lady of America's first appearance (note the orb to the right of the statue of Our Lady of Lourdes in the Our Lady Mother of Mercy Chapel).

Now, 54 years later, she is STILL waiting for the statue to be enthroned. The statue is just a few blocks away  in the John Paul II Cultural Center and could be mobilized at a moment's notice! The time grows late and our country is in dire need for Our Lady of America to be fully recognized in this manner. Please pray and spread the word of this important devotion. 

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