Hi All,
I hope all of you are doing well. I am writing to request your urgent help with a very important situation regarding the Canonically approved Apparition Site of Our Blessed Mother here in the United States. The apparitions started in 1956 in Rome City, Indiana. The devotion has had the imprimatur of the local bishop since 1963, Archbishop Leibold. He also actively promoted the devotion. The Apparition site was bought in 2000 by Larry Young. Larry's mortgage was held by a private investor. Last year the private investor had a difficult year and in June 2009 the private investor called for the full payment of the mortgage which was at the time $1.55 Million Dollars. Larry did not have the money to pay off the investor. In July 2009 the apparition site went into foreclosure. In 2001 the replacement value from the insurance company was valued at $18 Million Dollars. This did not even include the 200 acres of land at the site. The true value of the site is about $20 Million Dollars, however it has gone into foreclosure for only $1.55 Million.
This is a very holy site. The site has Natural Springs. The waters have been scientifically tested against the holy water from Lourdes and found to be almost exact in mineral content. There have been hundreds of documented miraculous healings attributed to the holy water at this site through the intercession of Our Lady of America. One of the most recent healing is the healing of a 2 year old girl of a brain tumor. The details of this healing are posted on the web site for your review. WWW.OLTIV.Org. We need to save this site so that it is available for the faithful to go there to worship God. Think about all of the people who travel each year to Lourdes to worship God and pray for healing. Think of the thousands who have found comfort and healing at Lourdes. Imagine what a loss it would have been for all of us if Lourdes had been taken by foreclosure before it became know as a place of spiritual and physical healing. Such is the case with the apparition site of Our Lady of America in Rome City Indiana. It is a place of Spiritual and physical healing. It would be a tremendous loss to all of us if this site is sold through public auction.
We are running out of time to save this site. On July 2nd the bank will set the date in July that the site will be sold by public auction. We desperately need people to go on the web site and make donations to try to save this site. Every dollar counts. You can make a donation using "paypal" on the Website. WWW.OLTIV.ORG. On behalf of all the people who will travel to this site in the future seeking physical and spiritual healing I thank you for helping to save this very holy site. May God bless you and your family for your prayers and generosity. To follow below and as an attachment please find a brief history of the site for your review.
In Christ's love and peace,
Nancy Goggin
(781) 961-6555
Our Lady of America
A brief history of the Apparition Site in Rome City, Indiana
To follow you will find a brief history of the Apparition site of Our Lady of America in Rome City, Indiana and the devotion. You will also find links to four 10 min video presentations by Dr. Mark Miravalle's (Franciscan University, Steubenville, OH) on the importance of this apparition and the attending messages from Our Lady of America.
* Apparition started in 1956 At Rome City Indiana to a Precious Blood Nun, Sister Mary Ephrem
* Sr. Ephrem left Rome City to become a member of a contemplative branch of the congregation located at Our Lady of the Nativity Convent at New Riegel, OH
* 1963 Archbishop Paul F. Leibold, Archbishop of Cincinnati put his imprimatur on the devotion and actively promoted the devotion. Archbishop Leibold was the Spiritual Director of Sr. Ephrem. He was the local Bishop with authority to approve the Apparitions because the Mother home for the Precious Blood nuns was in the Cincinnati Diocese.
* in the 1970's the Precious Blood Nuns saw a decrease in vocations and needed to consolidate. They could no longer maintain the Rome City, Indiana Site. They hired a 3rd party to sell their properties. This 3rd party sold the Rome City Site to a Cult in 1976, The Way College International Cult. The Way College Cult had the Site till 2000 when Larry Young bought it.
* 1979 the Contemplative branch of Precious Blood was suppressed. Sister Mary Ephrem now used her baptismal name, Sister Mildred Neuzil.
* Apparitions continued till the death of Sr. Mildred Neuzil, January 10, 2000. Apparitions have full approval first from local Bishop, Archbishop Liebold in 1963 and then unanimously through the American Bishops in 2007 through the Canonical letter written May 31, 2007 to the American Bishops by Archbishop Raymond Burke.
* Larry Young bought the Apparition Site in July, 2000. A private investor held the mortgage. With the economic downturn, the private investor had a difficult financial year last year. In June of 2009 the private investor called for the full payment of the mortgage which was $1.55 Million Dollars. Larry did not have the $1.55 Million to pay back the investor. The Site went into foreclosure in July, 2009.
* In 2001 the insurance company's replacement value for the structures on the site was valued at $18 Million. This did not include the value of the 200 acres of land. The true value of site is approximately $20 Million. It has gone into foreclosure for only $1.55 Million.
* We are trying to save the site to have available as a place of worship for future pilgrims and as a place of youth evangelization and family ministry. Everyone can help to save this. Please go on web site and make a donation every dollar helps. WWW.OLTIV.ORG
*This is an urgent situation. We are running out of time. On July 2nd the court will set the date in July that the site will be sold by pubic auction. There is a New Age Cult that is trying to get the court to sell the site to them.
*contact information Web site: www.OLTIV.Org. owner of site: Larry Young: (847) 726-7520, Director of the Non Profit: Irvin Kolska, (574) 536-0504, Massachusetts contact for site: Nancy Goggin (781) 961-6555,
* These four links below will get you Dr. Mark Miravalle's (Franciscan University, Steubenville, OH) complete discussion on the importance of this apparition and the attending messages from Our Lady of America. It is a very good presentation.
http://airmaria.com/?sn=89 &vp=8322&prefx=mcast&plyrn b=1&ttl=Marycast
http://airmaria.com/?sn=90 &vp=8397&prefx=mcast&plyrn b=1&ttl=Marycast
http://airmaria.com/?sn=91 &vp=8399&prefx=mcast&plyrn b=1&ttl=Marycast
http://www.catholic.org/vi deo/?v=2971
I hope all of you are doing well. I am writing to request your urgent help with a very important situation regarding the Canonically approved Apparition Site of Our Blessed Mother here in the United States. The apparitions started in 1956 in Rome City, Indiana. The devotion has had the imprimatur of the local bishop since 1963, Archbishop Leibold. He also actively promoted the devotion. The Apparition site was bought in 2000 by Larry Young. Larry's mortgage was held by a private investor. Last year the private investor had a difficult year and in June 2009 the private investor called for the full payment of the mortgage which was at the time $1.55 Million Dollars. Larry did not have the money to pay off the investor. In July 2009 the apparition site went into foreclosure. In 2001 the replacement value from the insurance company was valued at $18 Million Dollars. This did not even include the 200 acres of land at the site. The true value of the site is about $20 Million Dollars, however it has gone into foreclosure for only $1.55 Million.
This is a very holy site. The site has Natural Springs. The waters have been scientifically tested against the holy water from Lourdes and found to be almost exact in mineral content. There have been hundreds of documented miraculous healings attributed to the holy water at this site through the intercession of Our Lady of America. One of the most recent healing is the healing of a 2 year old girl of a brain tumor. The details of this healing are posted on the web site for your review. WWW.OLTIV.Org. We need to save this site so that it is available for the faithful to go there to worship God. Think about all of the people who travel each year to Lourdes to worship God and pray for healing. Think of the thousands who have found comfort and healing at Lourdes. Imagine what a loss it would have been for all of us if Lourdes had been taken by foreclosure before it became know as a place of spiritual and physical healing. Such is the case with the apparition site of Our Lady of America in Rome City Indiana. It is a place of Spiritual and physical healing. It would be a tremendous loss to all of us if this site is sold through public auction.
We are running out of time to save this site. On July 2nd the bank will set the date in July that the site will be sold by public auction. We desperately need people to go on the web site and make donations to try to save this site. Every dollar counts. You can make a donation using "paypal" on the Website. WWW.OLTIV.ORG. On behalf of all the people who will travel to this site in the future seeking physical and spiritual healing I thank you for helping to save this very holy site. May God bless you and your family for your prayers and generosity. To follow below and as an attachment please find a brief history of the site for your review.
In Christ's love and peace,
Nancy Goggin
(781) 961-6555
Our Lady of America
A brief history of the Apparition Site in Rome City, Indiana
To follow you will find a brief history of the Apparition site of Our Lady of America in Rome City, Indiana and the devotion. You will also find links to four 10 min video presentations by Dr. Mark Miravalle's (Franciscan University, Steubenville, OH) on the importance of this apparition and the attending messages from Our Lady of America.
* Apparition started in 1956 At Rome City Indiana to a Precious Blood Nun, Sister Mary Ephrem
* Sr. Ephrem left Rome City to become a member of a contemplative branch of the congregation located at Our Lady of the Nativity Convent at New Riegel, OH
* 1963 Archbishop Paul F. Leibold, Archbishop of Cincinnati put his imprimatur on the devotion and actively promoted the devotion. Archbishop Leibold was the Spiritual Director of Sr. Ephrem. He was the local Bishop with authority to approve the Apparitions because the Mother home for the Precious Blood nuns was in the Cincinnati Diocese.
* in the 1970's the Precious Blood Nuns saw a decrease in vocations and needed to consolidate. They could no longer maintain the Rome City, Indiana Site. They hired a 3rd party to sell their properties. This 3rd party sold the Rome City Site to a Cult in 1976, The Way College International Cult. The Way College Cult had the Site till 2000 when Larry Young bought it.
* 1979 the Contemplative branch of Precious Blood was suppressed. Sister Mary Ephrem now used her baptismal name, Sister Mildred Neuzil.
* Apparitions continued till the death of Sr. Mildred Neuzil, January 10, 2000. Apparitions have full approval first from local Bishop, Archbishop Liebold in 1963 and then unanimously through the American Bishops in 2007 through the Canonical letter written May 31, 2007 to the American Bishops by Archbishop Raymond Burke.
* Larry Young bought the Apparition Site in July, 2000. A private investor held the mortgage. With the economic downturn, the private investor had a difficult financial year last year. In June of 2009 the private investor called for the full payment of the mortgage which was $1.55 Million Dollars. Larry did not have the $1.55 Million to pay back the investor. The Site went into foreclosure in July, 2009.
* In 2001 the insurance company's replacement value for the structures on the site was valued at $18 Million. This did not include the value of the 200 acres of land. The true value of site is approximately $20 Million. It has gone into foreclosure for only $1.55 Million.
* We are trying to save the site to have available as a place of worship for future pilgrims and as a place of youth evangelization and family ministry. Everyone can help to save this. Please go on web site and make a donation every dollar helps. WWW.OLTIV.ORG
*This is an urgent situation. We are running out of time. On July 2nd the court will set the date in July that the site will be sold by pubic auction. There is a New Age Cult that is trying to get the court to sell the site to them.
*contact information Web site: www.OLTIV.Org. owner of site: Larry Young: (847) 726-7520, Director of the Non Profit: Irvin Kolska, (574) 536-0504, Massachusetts contact for site: Nancy Goggin (781) 961-6555,
* These four links below will get you Dr. Mark Miravalle's (Franciscan University, Steubenville, OH) complete discussion on the importance of this apparition and the attending messages from Our Lady of America. It is a very good presentation.
Statue of Our Lady of America in the John Paul II Center in Washington D.C. (awaiting enthronement into the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in D.C. - just 4 blocks away) as Our Lady requested in 1956.